And withal, never have We destroyed any community unless it had been warne
And We destroyed no township but it had its warner
Never did We destroy a population, but had its warners
We have never destroyed a society without warners
We have never destroyed a town without sending messengers to warn
Never have We destroyed a town without sending down messengers to warn it
And We did not destroy any town but it had (its) warners
We caused no town to perish but that it had ones who warn
We never wipe out any town unless it has had its warners
And We never destroyed a township without sending its warners,
And never did We destroy a town save that it had warners
Never did We destroy a township but it had warners.
Never did We destroy a town, but it had warners
And We did not destroy a township but for it (were sent) warners —
Never have We destroyed a population to whom We did not send Warners
And in no way did We cause (any) town to perish except that it had warners
We never destroyed any town without first sending to them warning and guidance
We did not destroy any town unless it has had warner
(It is Our Law that) We never annihilated a township but it had its Warners
We never destroy any town unless it had a warner
And We never ruined a population that did not have its warners—
And We did not destroy any city except that it had warner
And We have not destroyed any town except after having warners.
Never have We destroyed a town without sending down messengers to warn it
And We destroyed not a city but it had its warners
Never have We destroyed a habitation till We had sent admonishers to the
We have never destroyed a city without giving it prior warning
We have never destroyed any township except that it had warners (sent to it)
We have not destroyed any town without its having warners
But We destroy not any population but it had its Warner
We did not destroy any town (or population) unless there were warners for it
Never did We destroy a population, except those who had been warned
We never destroyed a city which hadn’t received warners
We never destroyed any habitation but that it had warner
And We have not destroyed any town except after having warners
And never have We destroyed any community without being warne
And We destroyed not any town but it had its warners.
We never annihilate any community without sending warners.
We never destroyed a village that did not have warner
And We destroyed no town but it had (its) warners -
And We did not destroy from a village/urban city, except for it (are) warners/givers of notice
It is not My style to destroy any nation without sending ample warnings
And never did We destroy a township which did not have Heralds of warning,
And never did WE destroy any township but it had its Warners
And We have not destroyed any town except those (towns) for which Warners had come
And never did We destroy (any people of) a township but it had (its) Warners
And never did We destroy a township, but it had its warner
Never a city We destroyed, but it had warner
We have destroyed no city, but preachers were first sent unto it
But we do not destroy any city without its having warner
We never destroyed a city which had not first its warner
Never have We destroyed a city We did not war
And We never did destroy a township except that there were warners for it.
We never destroyed a town without prior warning.
And We never destroyed a town unless there was a warner for it.
We never destroyed a population without its having had warners.
And never did We destroy a town but it had forewarners—
We never wipe out any town unless it has had its warners
And We did not destroy, among a village except that for it Warners.
Never have We destroyed any community unless it had received warnings,
And We have never destroyed a city to which a warner has not come.
And We did not destroy any town but it had its warners
In fact We never reduced a town with its inhabitants to ruin before they have had their spectacles and warnings -and they did not listen-
And We did not destroy any town but it had its warners
And We do not destroy any city without its having warners
Never did We destroy a population, but had its warners
And not We destroyed any town but it had warner
Wama ahlakna min qaryatin illa laha munthiroona
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